Durrell, Lawrence
Lawrence George Durrell [darəl] (27. II 1912 – 7. XI 1990), Inglise kirjanik, Gerald Durrelli vend. Tema peateosed on tegelas- ja sündmuskirevad romaanitsüklid „Aleksandria kvartett” ja „Avignoni kvintett”. Neis vürtsitavad mänglevaid vormikatsetusi rohke erootika ja eksootika. Avaldanud ka kultuuriloolisi reisiraamatuid Vahemere saarte kohta, rafineeritud luulet, näidendeid, esseid ja tõlkeid.
Pied Piper of Lovers (1935)
Panic Spring, under the pseudonym Charles Norden (1937)
The Black Book (1938)
Cefalu (1947; republished as The Dark Labyrinth in 1958)
White Eagles Over Serbia (1957)
The Alexandria Quartet (1962)
- Justine (1957; e k 2016)
- Balthazar (1958; e k 2017)
- Mountolive (1958)
- Clea (1960)
The Revolt of Aphrodite (1974)
- Tunc (1968)
- Nunquam (1970)
The Avignon Quintet (1992)
- Monsieur: or, The Prince of Darkness (1974)
- Livia: or, Buried Alive (1978)
- Constance: or, Solitary Practices (1982)
- Sebastian: or, Ruling Passions (1983)
- Quinx: or, The Ripper's Tale (1985)
Judith (2012, written 1962-c. 1966)
- Prospero's Cell: A guide to the landscape and manners of the island of Corcyra [Corfu] (1945; republished 2000)
- Reflections on a Marine Venus (1953)
- Bitter Lemons (1957; republished as Bitter Lemons of Cyprus 2001; e k Küprose kibedad sidrunid, 2017)
- Blue Thirst (1975)
- Sicilian Carousel (1977)
- The Greek Islands (1978)
- Caesar's Vast Ghost (1990)
- Michael Haag Durrelid Korful (Eesti Raamat, 2018)
Loodud 2018